Saturday, January 5, 2019

Make Me An Offer

Portmeirion Coffee Set, Sailing Ships Pattern, ca 1967.
Bruce's brother Jeff has been in town this week. Along with spending time with Bruce's dad, we have been in Kitchener assaying the household effects remaining in Bruce's dad's old apartment. Jeff had a long list of items he wanted to ship to his home in BC. We had our own list: linen tablecloths I've coveted for years and small items to remember Bruce's mother by.

As for the rest of the stuff, we sorted the wheat from the chaff, took the chaff out to the dumpster and arranged the wheat in neat piles for a contents sale on Saturday.

There are some good pieces of furniture - but maybe too old-fashioned for current tastes. And some decent china and glassware, but, again, who knows if anyone will find any of it attractive enough to cough up cash for.

We are not expecting to make money from this sale, just save the cost of hauling it all away. 

A couch, chair and a few sundry items in the apartment have been spoken for and will not be part of the sale. Once these are gone and everything else left behind has been shipped to the Mennonite Central Committee thrift store, that will be the end of that, another household once held together by a sense of necessity, aesthetics, sentiment and utility, distributed by chance.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


Jeff and Ken Clarke by
Sugar Beach,
Friday, January 4, 2019.

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