Saturday, November 10, 2018

Ways of Seeing

I've blogged before about the poster in this week's picture. It hangs in an examination room at the clinic where I see my family doctor. 

The last time I wrote about it, I observed how traditional depictions of a thing can be different from their current version. Christmas was the example I used. 

I surreptitiously took this shot on Thursday when I was visiting the doctor for a routine test. 

I'm still sorting out my feelings about it. (The poster I mean. Not the test.)

On the one hand, the poster has a grade school textbook appeal; it conveys a simple message that could build a foundation for understanding more complex ideas such as, for example, in the USA, you could hear every one of the ways to say "hello" in just one place. 

On the other hand, these days, a cheerful depiction of girl-positive racial diversity feels like nostalgia for a lost age. 

Eyeball Update

The last we heard of Bruce's eye was when he went in for his "final" procedure at the end of August. That was to remove the oil bubble in his eye, replace it with an air bubble and, within a couple of days, Bruce's vision in that eye was to come back to what would be the new normal.

Except that didn't happen.

A week after the procedure, Bruce still couldn't see at all out of the eye. The doc peered into the gooey depths and saw a lot of blood. Bruce might, said the doc, have to have another surgery to remove the blood.

The idea of putting Bruce's poor, perforated eyeball through another procedure did not appeal to us in any way. We opted to wait for a while longer.

But, when the eyeball doc declared in late October that not only was the blood still there, it seemed fresh, Bruce resigned himself to undergo another procedure. It didn't seem like there was any other choice.

He booked another surgery for November 1. 

And then, almost immediately, Bruce's eyesight improved. A quick trip to the doc confirmed the eye was clearing. 

Bruce cancelled the last procedure. He can see again.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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