Saturday, December 16, 2017


Visiting us last week: Lester (the red one) and Golda;
they brought along their humans, our friends Sylvia and Jay
People who know me through LinkedIn heard recently that I have a "new job." Not the outcome of an exhilarating job competition or fortifying promotion, my new job is the result of a reorganization. I now have a smaller team and a less clear mandate. Neither of these things are terribly problematic. And, due to the reorganization and a few other shifts, I associate now with a whole slew of colleagues who have no recollection nor visual memory of me disabled by osteoarthritis. 

The thing I like best about this is I don't have to answer questions - like I do from colleagues who do recall my days with a cane - about my mobility. For all the new batch know, I was always as I am now.

Which is really what this post is about. I'm well past recovering from the operation and am now in the realm of feeling like I did before the osteoarthritis kicked in. This does not mean my leg is good as new. It will never be quite the same again. I have to be careful to avoid mystery injuries like the one I gave myself just before we went to Italy. But it does mean that I have the strength, stamina and energy levels I have not had since before January 2015.

Which means my Saturdays can include more than just blogging and sitting on the couch consuming unhealthy amounts of Netflix.

Today I've got company coming for lunch and tonight we're going out for dinner with friends. Then I'll need to sleep.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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