Saturday, October 8, 2016


Is it in the dining room?

Now that I'm back at work, along with healing and rebuilding the strength in my right leg, I keep myself busy by:

Looking for My Cane

My instructions are clear: use the cane all time time, especially when I am going up and down stairs. But I'm a preoccupied, easily distracted middle aged person. I forget things. I take stuff with me. I change my mind. Then I have to retrace my steps, or go someplace else. All of that and a cane are a lot to keep track of. The cane is forgotten first. Then I have to find it.

Is it in the kitchen?
Counselling Future Hip Recipients

My first day back at work a colleague from Intergovernmental Affairs asked me why I was walking with a cane. When I explained, he said that he was scheduled for hip surgery on October 21. So we made a date to talk about the things they don't tell you. 

His biggest concern was pain. I advised, because he is also an active person, he will likely, after the surgery, be most interested in rehabilitation. 

He wondered if OHIP-funded physiotherapists were any good. I told him I was quite satisfied with mine. 

He wondered if he could go back to work after four weeks. I told him I was glad I had randomly picked six. 

He was worried about all the equipment he would need: a walker, a raised toilet seat, a cane and what all that said about him as a person. I told him he would be exactly the same person after surgery as before and none of those things mattered. 

Is it under the coffee table in the living room?
Is it in the front hallway?
Being the Victim of My own Success

Almost without thinking about it I have reverted to my pre-arthritis stride while walking to work. I'm not quite up to 6.6 kph, but I'm going strong enough that I've given myself shin splints.

Never thought I'd say this, but I am happy to have 'em.

Is it in the second floor washroom?

Is it in the third floor washroom?

Is it in the front bedroom on the second floor?
Thanks for reading!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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