Saturday, October 24, 2015

Positive Wins

It is rare that I bring current events into this blog but I just have to note the coincidence between my readers' 80% preference overall for positive messages and Justin Trudeau's decisive victory (or, stated negatively, Stephen Harper's utter humiliation) in the election on Monday.

At the level of the provincial government, I have also had quite a week. These matters as always are strictly confidential, so let's take a stroll over to the realm of our friend the Queen and her Advisors.


Illustration from Aesop's Fables by Milo Winter

The ruler of a small and pleasant realm was in her chambers, puzzled by some paperwork that she was sure she had seen before.

She called in one of her most trusted advisors.

"Is this the same document you asked me to review yesterday?" asked the Queen.

"Yes," said the advisor.

"Why am I looking at it again?"

"There's been a change."


"There" said the advisor, pointing to an unholy mess of edits made to one particular passage.

"Oh, good Lord," said the Queen, disappointed and afraid all at once, "this is the GLG! The Goose that Lays Golden Eggs! It's in my Quest proposal!"

Rumours had flown about the kingdom for many weeks about the GLG. There had been sightings in other realms but the GLG was magic. It appeared only to disappear and reappear again in another spot. And wherever it appeared, those who looked upon it were dazzled. The GLG caused enough talk to use up all the oxygen in the room. Then the gathered mob would collapse and crawl away until they had regained their breath, whereupon they would look upon the GLG and the whole cycle would start again.

Sorcerers in the kingdom had observed the GLG long enough that, although no one could guess where it would next appear, they could predict when it would disappear. 

"When's this thing going to leave?" asked the Queen.

"Next Wednesday," said the advisor. "When the Greatest Ruler and all the Emperors will have gathered to chew over your Quest."

The Queen had waited more than a year to bring her Quest to the attention of the Greatest Ruler and all the Emperors. It was rotten luck indeed that the GLG had appeared smack dab in its middle.

"So what do you think," the Queen asked her advisor, "will the GLG save or destroy my Quest? Will the dazzled Greatest Ruler and all the Emperors say yes to my Quest because they think the GLG is in it? Or will the GLG disappear and my Quest will be tossed aside as they look for the next place the GLG will appear?"

"Beats the heck out of me," said the advisor. "We're going to have to wait until next Wednesday." 

To be continued ....


I've been offered the challenge of proposing a moral to these posts. Here goes.

"If you must count your golden eggs before they're laid, put the goose in a safe spot."

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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