Saturday, November 22, 2014

Molly - Three Years On

A little more than three years ago, on November 19, 2011, we took our little Molly dog to the vet to send her on to her next reward.

This photo was taken about five years ago, in December 2009, when she should still see and play with her ball.

Some subscribers may recall that This Week's Picture was originally an e-mail series and, for many years, the featured photograph was of the dog. 

For the information of subscribers recently joined to this blog, there is a Molly the Dog blog that recounts the highlights of her career.


People continue to ask us, as we proceed doglessly, whether or not we would have another dog.

The early answer to that question was "no." Mostly because we were not in the mood to need to eventually put another dog down.

The answer evolved over time to "not now." Because, once past the pain of Molly's passing, we could recall more clearly how much joy there is in having a dog. But there's the present problem that we both work office jobs and we would want a companion, not a prisoner in solitary confinement for most of its day.

Recently, when asked the dog question, we've been saying, "probably, but not until we retire." And, for the first time in our lives, we're not only thinking about retirement, but have turned a lot of energy toward figuring out how to do that as soon as possible.

We may be as close as three years to the day when our grey-haired colleagues will shake our hands one last time, roughly the same span of time since Molly's been gone. 

The blink of an eye, really, then, before we find ourselves another furry little friend.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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