Saturday, June 8, 2013

That Vision Thing

Right now, where I am, there is a perfect storm of political drama: we have a crack-smoking municipal mayor, a wrongfully e-mail shredding provincial government and a federal government with a slush fund for bailing out erring appointees.


With all this tomfoolery at every level - all of which is blown to gargantuan proportions by the hard working members of the fifth estate, the average citizen has to wonder how on earth it is the case that our whole society hasn't fallen to rubble and dust.

But here's the thing: it hasn't.

The other thing I've been doing a lot of recently may be part of the reason why we're not up to our necks in pulverized cement and twisted rebar. 

Subscribers recall the short piece I blogged about Samara, that organization that has set itself the task of setting to rights Canadian democracy. I'm part of a randomly self-selected group of people earnestly visioning the future of that shop.

Recently, in less randomly-selected groups of people, I have also participated in other earnest discussions on more-or-less the same topic: a vision for the future of the organization for which I work, which has as its task the setting to rights of the quality of the environment in Ontario.

What a vision is supposed to do is provide a foundation and a sense of hopeful, compelling direction, so that when events erupt and crises temporarily shatter focus, there's always something to refer to, hold onto, and return to when the kerfuffle has passed. If it's a good vision, your foundation builds on what you value and your direction takes you to a place you want to be.

So long as enough people in a society have that vision thing, their stupid, irresponsible, corrupt and ridiculous leaders can be as distracting as they like. It won't matter.

Pictures and stories about Molly-the-Dog are available here.

Have a great week!


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