Sunday, May 26, 2013


I don't go to a lot of weddings these days. I didn't go to one this weekend, either. I did, however, prepare five dishes for a couple of newlyweds and their friends for their day-after-the-wedding open house.

A consequence of this unwrapped wedding gift (which was delivered in Belleville) is that I'm putting this post up late.

In case you're curious about what I made, I prepared some cole slaw with a vinaigrette dressing, and some vietnamese-style spring rolls but without a recipe to share with you. 

With recipes I'm delighted to share, I made cranberry orange scones (I've blogged about these before); double-chocolate cheese cake and vegan macaroni and "cheese." These last three are among my favourite recipes of all time. Try them. You'll like them.

As the photo of my kid sister's flying fingers around the batter bowl (for the cheesecake) demonstrate, these are good.


I know I have subscribers who enjoy reading news here about Toronto because they don't hear much about it where they are. But I think even my most remote readers have heard something about the newest allegations about our proud mayor. 

I find some solace in the fact that another mayor of another major metropolis was actually caught in the bona fide act of smoking crack, so allegations, rumours and unsubstantiated gossip about a video that may or may not exist makes me proud to be a Torontonian.

Have a great week!


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