Saturday, November 25, 2023

Stuff Never Sleeps - Part III

Crow on a pumpkin and ground squirrel on the lam at North Arm Farm,
Mount Currie, British Columbia, 17 October, 2023

Now that the dust has settled, literally, figuratively on our kitchen renovation, and I have completed the sixth purge of our belongings since I retired four years ago, I have two observations I'd like to share.

First, if you have not used something in fifteen years, even if you likely have another fifteen years left to you, you can safely ignore the little voice in your head that says "this may come in handy some day."

Second, no, you don't need it, whatever it is, unless you can eat it, drink it or wear it in public. Trust me on this one.

Thanks for reading!


Pittock Mansion Grumpy Cat


1 comment:

  1. 6th purge - very impressive! Your place must now be super organized and beautiful with amazing feng shui energy. :-)
