Saturday, October 7, 2023

Star Dust

Everything that we know in our lives - our bodies, our homes, our cars - was made in the heart of a star. It's where we came from and where we will return.

For example, this beach on the Leslie Street spit is made of bricks that were once alluvial clay deposits that were formed into regular shapes, baked in ovens and used to build houses. Now the lake is helping them go back from whence they came.

But, some stubborn artist regularly visits the spit to fight against all that entropy. Constantly, repeatedly, doggedly he or she gathers the bricks and strings them like beads on fronds of rebar.

This is futile. The lake's going to win. But I will always admire the efforts of artists.

In other news about imposing order on chaos, our renovation start date has been set for October 25, nine days later than they originally estimated, but what the hell.

This 3-D model image gives you an idea of what it will look like:

Thanks for reading!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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