Saturday, September 17, 2022

Peace and (Almost) Quiet

Sunset, Georgian Bay, September 2022.

We're on an island in Bayfield Inlet, about halfway along the Alexander Passage on Georgian Bay. In terms of mainland landmarks, we're west of Point au Baril Station on Highway 69. Still have no idea where we are? Neither do we. But it doesn't matter. 

Cottage country after Labour Day is quiet. The few boats skimming the inlet are loaded with contractors headed to work on properties left empty now that the season is over.

The real locals, the ducks, crows, fish, turtles, spiders, slugs, crickets, mosquitoes and hornets are back to being the boss of the place.

A mess of Mergansers, Georgian Bay, September 2022.
Our presence disturbs the peace when we call to one another to say we've found something, or when the dogs, Golda and Lester, bark their fool heads off.

The nighttime quiet and perfect darkness make me aware of how used I've become to the permanent luminescence and shaking hum of the city. I don't miss these. I just get the occasional start when I notice their absence, like when a bad smell you've become accustomed to is suddenly gone. 

We're here a couple more days, then off to another cottage rental on the shore of the much smaller Ameliasburgh mill pond

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


Cardinal flower, on the island with no 
name, Georgian Bay, September, 2022.

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