Saturday, February 5, 2022



Wordle 231 2/6

To weigh in on one of the world's least salient debates, I always start Wordle with the same word. That word is FRESH ... because it's what came to mind first and, as an after-the-fact rationalization, I can claim that three of its five letters are among the most commonly occurring in the English language. But that's where my strategy stops. I usually take around four tries to guess the word. I got today's word in two tries because of pure, dumb, luck. 

Speaking of dumb luck, as I train to become a book coach, I read books about the writing craft. At some point each of these books warns of the infinitesimal chance that anyone writing will ever get published. It's ironic, then, that they are all written by published authors who are, by their own admission, lottery winners, and their books are about where they bought their lottery tickets.  

On Writing, by Stephen King, is a case in point. I'm reading it because everyone in my new community of book coaches has read it, so I figure I should know what they know about what Stephen King knows about writing, even though what everyone really wants to know is how to become as rich and successful as Stephen King. 

On the topic of writing, King cribs most of his advice from Strunk and White, the guys who wrote The Elements of Style, which truly is the best book ever written about writing well.

As for becoming rich and successful, King's after-the-fact rationalization is that writers should read a lot, write a lot and stay married.  

The rest, as I've said, is just pure, dumb, luck. 

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!



1 comment:

  1. I always start my Wordle with SLATE. Two vowels and three common consonants get the job done. The question is how badly the NYT will mess Wordle up!
