Saturday, December 26, 2020

It's the End of the Year as We Know It

Christmas day dumped an attractive amount of snow on Toronto. My Facebook and Instagram feeds were full of shots just like the one above.

In the run up to the holiday lockdown, frenzied future self-isolators cleaned off grocery store shelves just like it was March 2020.

Street art on University Avenue complained that even record vacancy rates couldn't make up for income lost to the pandemic.

Most of the holiday messages I received mixed acknowledgements of how bad 2020 was with hopes that the coming year will be better. 

With everything that we know for certain is coming...
... I think it's most appropriate to say...

Brace yourself for 2021!

Thanks for reading!

Happy New Year!


Keep yer distance: lots of shoppers,
Loblaws Maple Leaf Gardens

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