Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Just One Souvenir

Bruce by the Beetle Sphere - in a mall on Kalverstraat,
the oldest shopping street in A'dam.
 It's our last full day in Amsterdam. We wandered around just enough in the morning to work up a good appetite for all the eating we planned to do for the rest of the day.

We started at Sampurna. I made a reservation because all the tourist guides said without one, we'd never get in. That may be good advice for May or June. Not really required in February. Anyway, the rijsttafel was amazing. 

How you start a rijsttafel, with crispy chips and three dips:
mild, medium and super hot

How you end a rijsttafel:
eight empty dishes; two full humans
Then we went past Dam square to Rene's Croissanterie for the reportedly best churros in Amsterdam.

They were good. 

Once again we had read that the place swarms with people all the time ... except for when we were there, which suited us just fine.

Last museum stop ... the Cannabis Museum. We learned from our tour guide and noted in passing on our own that there is a museum for everything in Amsterdam, so of course there's a museum for pot heads, by pot heads about pot heads.

We had one more destination on our food tour of Amsterdam, Stubbe's Herring, just a few blocks from our hotel.

Just to be clear, Bruce is holding the herring roll on a bun so I can take a picture of it. He has no intention of eating it.

Approximately eighteen hours from now as I write, we will be back in the belly of a giant plane. Headwinds will make the return flight longer than the flight here, but at least we won't need to try to sleep.

Thanks for reading!


If you order your tickets to the Cannabis
museum on line, when you arrive they give you a gift bag
with a cannabis chocolate bar, a cannabis lolly
pop and a sticker. Of the three, only the sticker is

legal to bring back to Canada.

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