Saturday, February 9, 2019

What's Been On My Mind

Having a hole in your ceiling is a distraction like 
  • a pebble in your shoe
  • something stuck between two back teeth
  • that tick in the corner of your eye sometimes
The ominous little stain on the ceiling I showed you a couple of weeks ago became something much more as soon as we had someone come and take a look.

And, as is always the case, now that the hole has been opened, those who made it have shaken their heads in puzzlement, packed up their tools, wished us well, and left.

The knowledgeable contractor who came along later said, having stuck his head in the hole and looked around, that there's a lot of water up there - and mould - and it looks like it may be an issue with ventilation. 

The problem may be with the roof, or not. A diagnosis requires qualified engineers. Because we live in a condo, and because the roof is part of the condo's business, and because engineers cost money, the condo board needs to decide at a meeting whether to engage the engineers or not.

So the hole is ours until late this month when the Board gets around to talking about it. 

It does not assuage my current state of distraction in the least that I am a member of the Board.

Rogue Emissions

A couple of times over the past couple of weeks, subscribers (all 20 of you) have received unauthorized issues of this publication. The first one was a post from when we were in Banff, the second, from around the time of Hallowe'en. I confess that sometimes I go into the deep workings of this blog - there are lots of Google tools - and fool around, pushing buttons to see what happens. Most of the time, nothing happens. These two times, something did.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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