Saturday, August 25, 2018

Back to Normal ...

Old Trucks at the Atlas Mine site, Drumheller, AB
The progression of the cold virus through the travel party went like this: first Kim got it, then Bruce and then me. 

I was back in Toronto, getting acclimatized to the marked increase in humans and noticeable absence of smoke and still not over my jet lag, when my nose started, as Kim's had, to run like a tap. 


I've been dragging my ass all week.

Daisy the Bichon Frise and Amanda.
Under these circumstances, you'd think a puppy might help. 

Sure enough, my administrative assistant - the one who was hit by a car during my first week at my new job - dropped by on Monday morning with what looked, at first glance, like a stuffed toy animal. 

The puppy-sprung commotion in the office has not subsided.

Eyeball Update

Bruce is scheduled for his final eye surgery on Monday. They will go in, get the oil bubble out and replace it with a comparable quantity of air which will gently exit on its own.

The hope is that Bruce's vision will settle back down into something like what it was before the retina shredded. 

We'll see.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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