Saturday, February 17, 2018


Shop window: Saint Mark's Square, Venice
Bruce's Eye

Readers are aware that Bruce's right eyeball went kerflooie just before Christmas last year. The retina in his right eye had torn in multiple spots. After a vitrectomy and the insertion of a bubble of propane gas in his eye, Bruce spent four weeks bent forward and off of work to help the bubble help his retina heal.

After a week, the retina was reattached and starting to heal but Bruce's eyesight was still a mess: blurry, watery, and that damned bubble was always in the way.

Bruce went to the eye doc this week for a status check. The doc said Bruce's vision in his operated eye - with his corrective lenses - is 20/20, the best possible indicator for the best possible recovery, which is still some weeks away.

My Job  

Technically, in a period of just under one year, I have had three jobs. I started as the Director of the Air Policy and Climate Change Branch at the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, then became the Director of the Strategic Policy Branch, which job title I held for about six months and then I became the Director of the Corporate Policy Branch. The change to Corporate Policy was cosmetic: it's more or less the same job.

Now I have a fourth title - and, really this time, a new job. On March 19, 2018, I will become the Director of the Distribution and Agency Policy Branch at the Ministry of Energy. The first item on my list of things to do will be to reform the Ontario Energy Board.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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