Saturday, October 21, 2017

Women In the News

Spotted on Gerrard Street by the Ryerson University campus. Whoever is responsible for these unpopular posters gets around. Click here for a story about other words of the prophet showing up in Don Mills that have a bit more to do with today's post.
Increasingly rarely these days, current events make me feel like progress is still a thing.

For example, male sexual predators are being called out by their female prey. Harvey Weinstein is just the most recent in a long list that started, from the narrow scope of my attention span, with Jian Ghomeshi.

More good news: at least one woman in the world is being paid the same as a man doing the same job.

These encouraging blips - even if they are both in the entertainment industry - make me think that small cultural shifts are possible; gender-based misbehaviour and inequality can be incrementally diminished.

And then along comes incontrovertible proof that the impulse to pick on women is still strong. Quebec's face covering law for all the disingenuous assertions of "universal application" would not exist if it weren't for Muslim women

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Have a great week!


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