Saturday, June 10, 2017

Fresh Perspective

Paparazzi dogs.

As of the first of May this year, I have a new role at work. I am no longer the "acting" Director of the Air Policy and Climate Change Branch at the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. I am now the Director full and proper of the Strategic Policy Branch at the same ministry. 

So what does that mean? 

These are confidential matters; let's take a trip to the land of the Yessir Yessir Highway and visit with our friend the Ruler and her Advisors.

The new Ruler of a small and pleasant realm was seated in her new chambers surrounded by her new Advisors. They  were filling her in on her duties. 

The Ruler's new chambers were much like her old chambers. 
Her window still overlooked the Yessir Yessir highway. She could tell from the smell, though, that she was closer by a league or two to the Troll Bridge, the place of greatest power and peril in the kingdom.  

The Ruler struggled to keep her attention fixed on the discussion. So many of the topics being shared were the same as in her old realm: the paperwork, the barbarian accountants, even her old nemesis the Power still lurked on the boundaries of the Kingdom, threatening more template wars.

"OK," said the Ruler, when she'd heard enough, "thank you for your exhaustive briefing. I am weary and want to do something else."

"Oh," said one of the Advisors, clearly disappointed, "but we haven't told you the most important part ..."

"If you have something important to tell me," snapped the Ruler, "tell me that first. Do not take an hour to advise me on archiving paperwork and then say there's something important still to tell."

Stung, the Advisor sat glum and silent. 

The Ruler regretted her impatience.

"All right," she said, "what is this important thing I need to know."

Another Advisor spoke up.

"The Henchman did not follow you," he said.

The Ruler started at this news.

The Henchman had been the Ruler's boss to the first power. The Ghost was her boss to the second power, the Head Troll her boss to the third power, the Emperor her boss to the fourth power and so on.

"Who will replace the Henchman?" asked the Ruler.

"No one" replied the Advisor.

"I have one less boss?"


Wanting to impress upon her team that she was a magnanimous and kind Ruler, and wishing too, to celebrate this good news, and seeing by the clock on the wall that it was two minutes after five, the Ruler said to her Advisors, "as my thanks for your bearing these glad tidings, you may take the rest of the day off."

To be continued ....

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!




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