Tuesday, May 23, 2017


The tourist gods have smiled upon us. Although the forecast was for another day like yesterday, no rain fell in NYC today.

We started with breakfast in the Chelsea market.

The second half of the substantial, $8 "breakfast sandwich" at Friedman's Lunch in the Chelsea Market. That's light rye bread, scrambled eggs, applewood-smoked bacon, Monterey jack cheese and avocado. Tomorrow, we're going to order one and split it between the two of us.
Then we caught the (wrong) subway to 125th street, when we meant only to go as far as 96th street. So we walked 35 blocks south and east to the Guggenheim and were swept away by the incredibly fine collection.

For the museum's 80th anniversary, the show featured the main pieces of the formative collection - lots of Kandinsky, Picasso, Miro, Klee, Mondrian, Modigliani and Magritte.

And, for some reason, they needed to warn us about this:

Then we went to the Frick, another 20 blocks south, because we always go to the Frick. I can be very efficient there: I focus on the Vermeers, the Rembrandts, the Whistlers, the Ingres, the Holbeins, the Gainsborourghs, the Reynolds and the painting of St Francis in the living room. And I stay the heck away from the Fragonard room (ick).

Then we walked over to Columbus Circle, another 20 blocks south and west. We grabbed the subway to 23rd - no mistakes this time - and stopped for lunch about the same time of day when, yesterday, we returned defeated by the weather to our room.

Today it was fine enough to eat salty, heavy American food out of doors.

Tomorrow is our last full day in New York. We're going to pray that the weather holds, go to the Rubin at W 17th and 7th, and then wander down to the south end of the City.

Thanks for reading!


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