Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Halifax - the Saddest Place in Canada (that I've Been to So Far)

This is Merlin, the Macaw imprisoned for crimes he didn't commit at the Maritime Museum in Halifax, just one of the many sad things to see there.

Other sad things are the well done treatments of the Halifax explosion - an explosion so big, one has to look to Hiroshima for a man-made disaster that tops it - and the Titanic sinking, for which Halifax ships and men played a key salvage role in hauling corpses out of (and then, in many cases, throwing back into) the sea.

One thing I learned was that, before the advent of modern radar-supported navigation, Sable Island, otherwise famous for little ponies and offshore oil, was the place where more than 350 ships were wrecked, mostly due to currents and bad weather.

For Sable Island and other rescues at sea, some inventive soul created the "breeches buoy" a combination lifesaver ring and oil skin trousers, into which sailors who found themselves in the drink could crawl, and which could be hauled out of the sea with lines and pulleys. 

Notice that he saved his hat.

These cheered me up a bit.

Thanks for reading!


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