Saturday, March 5, 2016

Winter's Tale

Right around spring time, winter has finally arrived.

First things first. If you have not already, you should read a new article about Donald Trump and the new terrifying euphemism American Authoritarianism.

It explains a lot. 

When I'm not wondering how Canada will handle all those refugees ... from the United States, I'm still chipping away in the salt mine otherwise known as the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. The past week has seen many misadventures, all best considered through the oath-honouring screen of a visit to our friend the Ruler and her advisors.


The often tired but still game Ruler of a small and pleasant realm was reviewing her list of things to do one day. 

She saw that she had four audiences scheduled all at the same time. She called for her most trusted advisor.

"Chappie," she said, for that was his name, "I see that I am supposed to be holding four different audiences all at the same time. That can't be right."

"Oh, no," said Chappie, "that is right."

"It may be right," said the Ruler, the needle on her patience gauge slipping just a bit, "but it is not possible. I cannot hold four different audiences all at the same time."

"But," explained Chappie, "the trolls at the Troll Bridge have said you must attend these audiences."

The Troll Bridge. The place of all power and peril within the realm, except for the other places of greater power and peril farther along the Yessir Yessir highway.  The Ruler knew she was in for it.

"Can we eliminate some of these audiences? " asked the Ruler, taking a closer look at the names on the list. "For example," she said, pointing to one name, "this person was exiled from the realm six weeks ago, and..." she looked further down the list, "...and this person is dead! I can't have audiences with dead people."

Chappie, while acknowledging the Ruler's dilemma, assured her there was nothing that could be done.

"The policy from the Troll bridge is that all audiences shall be held as scheduled. No exceptions."

The Ruler had an idea.

"Let's try this. Assuming that there's no harm in not attending an audience with a dead and or missing person, let's put all the dead people and people who are no longer allowed in the realm in one audience room together. Put everyone else in another room. Where does that leave me?"

Chappie moved the names around on the list of audiences as the Ruler asked. 

"Your schedule's clear," he said. 

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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