Saturday, February 13, 2016

Every Point on the Spectrum

A "Master Level" Blendoku puzzle, solved. These start with all the colour tiles in a random array at the top and you have to figure out their proper order based on the colours of the tiles themselves. Fun, and mentally exhausting. I can do about four and then I have to go for a nap.
Now that it's 2016, I'll be celebrating my 10th anniversary with the Ontario public service. If you add the time I spent at the City of Toronto, I've been working for one government or another for fifteen years.

The line of work I've chosen - policy development - makes it a normal part of my job to reach out and chat up other public servants. I know people all over this government, and all over the federal and other provincial governments. 

If I were to pretend that I was contacting these people as part of a clinical study to assess instances of symptoms of ADHD, Aspergers or OCD then I might also pretend that my research shows a statistically significant higher instance of these conditions in the public service than elsewhere in the general population.

Think about it. Where, other than the military, would a hyper-active and/or socially inept and/or detail obsessed and/or risk adverse person find more happiness than government?

And think, too, about what this means for the general population. 

All those elaborate forms, overlong processes and obsessive sets of rules ... suddenly they make sense.

As for where I, as a public servant, fit in this spectrum ... well, I did start this blog with a picture from a game developed by a team identifying itself as "The Lonely Few" and that I just love.

A Reflection on the Trial of the Month

I never gave a moment's thought to Jian Ghomeshi before the story broke and am looking forward to March 25 2016, because the judge will have handed down his decision the day before, and I'll never think of Jian Ghomeshi again.

A recipe? Really?

Here's a meatloaf recipe - arrived at after many attempts. It's a tasty, low fat, easy source of lunch meat for Bruce's sandwiches.

500 g of extra lean ground beef
Half an onion, chopped finely
1 medium carrot, peeled and chopped finely
250 g of mushrooms, chopped finely
One celery stalk, chopped finely
Half a cup of ketchup
Quarter of a cup of yellow mustard
One tablespoon of your favourite steak seasoning
One half cup couscous (uncooked)
One egg
salt and pepper

Pre-heat oven to 425F.

Saute in a small amount of grapeseed or safflower oil the onion, carrot, mushroom and celery. Season with salt and pepper.

When the vegetables are very soft and most of their juices have cooked out (after ten minutes or so), take off the heat and set aside to cool.

Place the ground beef, ketchup, mustard, steak seasoning, egg, couscous and salt and pepper (to taste) together in a bowl and mix well. Add the cooled vegetable mixture and stir until it's all combined. Don't worry about over mixing - this is a meatloaf not a pie crust.

Shape the mixture into a loaf in a casserole so that the top, ends and sides are exposed to the air.

Place uncovered in 425 degree oven for twenty minutes (this sears the outside and seals in the juices); cover and reduce heat to 350 and roast for another 30 - 35 minutes.

Let cool. Slice when completely chilled. Use as lunch meat.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!



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