Saturday, July 4, 2015

Family: This One's For Pat

The two people in this week's picture had never met one another before this shot was taken, in late June 2015, in Pemberton, British Columbia.

The man is Bruce's brother Jeff. The woman is my cousin Pat.

Bruce of course has known his brother his whole life, and I've known Pat all of mine.

How is it that these two have never met before, especially seeing how many years (36) Bruce and I have spent together, plus the fact we threw no fewer than three (3) wedding ceremonies?

There is never any shortage of things that keep people from meeting. Circumstance. Proximity. No paths in common. You name it.

An equally long list - with many of the same words - can bring people together. Circumstance. Proximity. Paths in common.

We learned when we got our little dog Molly that having things in common with people will bring friends into view. 

Family can be held in common, but Pat and Jeff's long non-acquaintance shows it takes more than being related-by-marriage.

What finally drew Pat and Jeff together was the potency of being polite. Pat and her partner were driving through the BC interior on their way to Alberta. Their travels took them through Pemberton; family etiquette compelled them to stop and say hello.They knew a few things about Jeff, and in a small town a little information goes a long way.

Another powerful force that brings people together is hospitality, especially when it comes in the form of a family reunion. 

My cousin Pat has taken it upon herself to root around in the family tree and invite everyone who has my father's parents in common to a gathering this month. Some of us are as long non-acquainted as were Pat and Jeff.

The reunion's in Qualicum Beach on July 11. Stay tuned for future posts about the friends who come into view that day.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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