Saturday, May 9, 2015

Face Your Fears

Outside my hotel room window
Montreal, May 7, 2015 
When I tell the story about my encounter with a scorpion on my last trip to Mexico, I say "I'm over fifty, I'm always in pain." 

I use this detail to illustrate my uncertainty when I felt a stabbing/numbing pain run down my back just as I was putting on my yoga top.

Further into the story I usually get a big laugh when I pantomime my shock and surprise when I find the scorpion... in my yoga top.

I get a mix of reactions toward the end of the story when I reenact the moment when I asked myself, "I've just been stung by a scorpion; there are no resort staff on the premises at this time of the morning; I'm in the middle of nowhere and at least forty minutes from any kind of medical attention... am I going to die?"

People are not always comfortable facing questions of mortality in the midst of an amusing travel anecdote.


Because I'm not sure of the audience's tolerance for scary details in this blog, I've been holding out on you. 

Since returning from our trip to San Francisco I've had a lot of pain in my right hip, even for someone over fifty. One Monday about three weeks ago, I was so afflicted I wasn't sure I could make the 20 minute walk to work. 

I didn't want to bring something as scary as chronic pain into the full light of day. Also, I didn't know which fear I was dealing with. My executive assistant assured me that his brother-in-law's tragic and sudden death from cancer at the age of 38 started with exactly the same symptoms as mine.

The appointment I mentioned in my last blog post was with my physician. I've been x-rayed and diagnosed. 

After a decade of a dedicated yoga practice that I was sure would fend off the worst effects of growing old, I have arthritis, and yoga really sets it off. 

I'm afraid of spiders, too.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Never a dull moment! Sorry to hear about Yoga. Hope you feel better soon. xo
