Saturday, February 28, 2015


So this is a little weird.

I have been dropping hints in this blog about the climate change consultations that were impending and are now fully upon me. We did two sessions in Toronto this past Tuesday and Wednesday. This week coming up, I'm in Thunder Bay and Sudbury. The week after that, Ottawa and Kingston. The week after that Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo. 

Despite the fact that we are in the age of social media and instantaneous transmission of important information like who wore what at the Oscars and what's on LOL cats, the Ministry's approach to the consultation is to physically ship as many as a dozen sixty-five kilogram humans to each location and engage in old-fashioned face to face conversations. 

But that doesn't mean the Ministry is not up to date. Not long before someone took the above photo of me and put it into the Twittersphere, I asked the audience to do two things: turn their phone ringers off and please tweet. 

The communications people at the Ministry are very happy when people tweet about what the Ministry is doing.

I've got mixed feelings about being the thing tweeted. Readers know that I only infrequently put pictures of people on this blog, and even less frequently than that, pictures of me. So, even though I throw my thoughts every week into the gaping abyss that is the Internet, I still try to maintain a modicum of control (warmly reassured by the fact that, of the world's seven billion plus souls, only about twenty of 'em check out this blog every week). 

When the Communications Branch social media maven came to me and said, "you're on Twitter," all I said was, "that's nice."

Then he said, "we've had seven million hits on that site since we started."    

Then I wish I'd combed my hair.

Pop Quiz Answer: the out-of-place-seeming MARSEC threat level board can be found in several places on the property of the Redpath Sugar facility on the Toronto Waterfront. Why that may be is beyond me.

Thanks to the two people who hazarded a guess. It was nice to get replies to the blog.

Proof I'm Getting Old: I felt deeply sad when I learned that Leonard Nimoy had died.  

Strangest Thing I Saw This Week: Rob Ford posing with the stupid stuff he's selling on E-bay, including his "yes, I have smoked crack" NFL tie

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


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