Saturday, February 8, 2014

Allan Garden Update: Bite Me

The giant hole project in the Allan Gardens - otherwise known as the Gerrard Watermain Replacement Project - has entered its third year.

You can see a satellite view of the hole with Apple Maps, but not Google. The Apple view does not convey much about what's going on. Both Apple and Google miss entirely the events observed at eye level.

Readers recall how first the hoarding went up around the excavation site, presenting a welcoming canvas for graffiti artists: 

And then for actual artists: 

Next, Superstorm Sandy came along and made some harsh edits to the murals facing north east. 

And then a tree fell on one corner.

Most recently, in the photo at the start of this post, an enterprising graffiti practitioner cum pastry chef has piped a universal invitation in rosettes and flowing script on a panel at the easternmost edge of the hoarding.

However, as happened with da Vinci's mural of the Last Supper, the artist did not prepare the surface well and the masterwork was a ruin almost as it was being made. Still, the magnificent vision is preserved in the wreckage and makes passers-by hope the next person who comes along with something to say truly tops the Bite Me artist.


I'm on my way to Kingston tomorrow for two weeks of executive training at Queen's. I am taking a computer with me, my camera and my iPad and it is fully my intention to blog next Saturday. But we'll see. I may have too much homework.

Molly's new post can be read here.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week!


Gerrard Watermain Replacement Project
In early January 2012 wooden fencing was put up around a large area in the south east corner of Allan Gardens. This wooden fencing (called hoarding) separates the public space from the construction area required for the Gerrard - Elm - D’Arcy - River Street Watermain Replacement project. The hoarding will be in place until around
May 2015.

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