Saturday, September 14, 2013

Small Accomplishments

The agave flower spike in the Allan Gardens no longer draws crowds, but it's still busy. I have speculated in this blog about the fate of the blossoms fallen from the stalk, thinking (and said thinking based on a cursory review of the very reliable Internet) they were the clones of the mother plant. I still don't know anything about agaves, but I'm prepared to say my earlier speculation wasn't right. Take a look at what the spike is up to now. There are bulbils growing where the flowers were once. 

This is Chester. In theory he belongs to our neighbours Grant and Bob. In fact, we all belong to him. Chester - or Pester as we call him - has enlisted the entire condo complex in his bid to become the world's most patted cat. He's 90% of the way to target. 

This is a sign along the TransCanada trail, close to the Kinsol Trestle.

I wonder why they thought they needed a "no trespassing" sign.

Finally, this is what the property immediately south of ours looked like last week. I ratted them out to the Municipal Licensing and Standards inspector.

This is what it looks like now.

Thanks for reading! Have a great week!


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