Saturday, July 6, 2013

Gus Awmighty

In May 2011, I first wrote (when I was sending out e-mails instead of blogging) about "Gus", the xylaria polymorpha fungus growing in our backyard around the stump of a sad little tree that failed to thrive. I didn't take a picture of him when he was in his prime that year, but I thought then that because he seemed impervious to the backyard marauders (the cats, the 'coons, the squirrels) he might make a good pet once Molly was gone.

Later that summer, I did record proof that Gus had no particular resistance to something that found him very tasty indeed.

Gus came back in 2012. We covered him with a glass bowl and, so long as he had that protection, he grew big and strong.
I think Stephen King stole this idea.

Pinky and the Brain included to show scale.

The powdery spores on the outside apparently serve no reproductive purpose. Fungus fashion.

The day we took the glass bowl away, Gus was devoured.

This year, Gus's sprouting season (a three-week process that starts in May) was disrupted by Bruce's big backyard project of systematically washing the crumbled red brick that lines our patio. Something gnawed Gus' early growth so the ring of fingers isn't quite uniform. 

This summer's copious rains have, however, helped Gus really bulk up the fingers he's still got.

Except for the occasional photo shoot, Gus' glass dome will stay put this year.

Thanks for reading! Have a great week!


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