Saturday, April 27, 2013

That Kind Of A(n Earth) Week

Over the past seven days I have:
  • sat in a room with ten strangers to have an earnest conversation about an organization I don't really know that much about
  • watched senior ministry staff make improbably clever ice cream sundaes and
  • plotted my revenge against Kobo
and now I'm having trouble figuring which experience is most worth sharing.

The only one I have pictures of is the ice cream sundae competition, so I'll save my revenge against Kobo for another day.

Here's a picture of the sundae my boss had a hand in making.

This is very clever and alludes to many things the science division of the ministry works with: air quality, contaminated soil, blue-green algae, mercury in fish, the whole megilla.

And this is the sundae the corporate management and environmental programs division made:

This is a pretty shameless play to the extreme patriotism of the average Canadian - with a strong hockey theme, two whole flags and quite a lot of maple syrup.

But this was the winning sundae, constructed I can only imagine over the previous two days by the operations and drinking water divisions:

Appropriately, even though these were built out of doors and we're having a very chilly spring, the polar ice cap  was melting.

Hope everyone had a happy Earth week!


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