Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mastery ✣ Autonomy ✣ Purpose

I'm going to start with another video, one a career counsellor pointed me to.  It's about 11 minutes long, which exceeds most people's patience for these things, I know, but it features clever animation and a telling observation of how the Federal Reserve is a hotbed of leftist ideology. You can find it here:

In an earlier version of this post, I somehow managed to create a Venn diagram of the video's three main motivators: mastery, autonomy and purpose. However, that pretty graphic has disappeared into the failed-to-blogosphere. 

So imagine if you will a Venn diagram and read on.  

I think more highly of these clever theories if I can find a practical link to my own experience.  

I can think of lots of things that I'm pretty good at that have no purpose: playing Angry Birds for instance.

Purposeful things I'm good at but where I have little autonomy: that would be my day job.

Where there's a purpose, but little autonomy or mastery: yoga maybe.

And where the circles all intersect, what do I get to do that is all of purposeful, autonomous and masterful?  I can think of three: sleeping, eating and cooking.

All you Canadians have a happy Thanksgiving!

And have a great week!

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