Sunday, July 29, 2012

Your One-Stop No-Olympic-Coverage Destination on the Web

All this past week I've had people asking me if I'm excited about the Olympics.   Some even hoped to make me a co-conspirator in their plans to skive off work early on Friday to go and watch the opening ceremonies.

But, I'm not excited about the Olympics.

It's not that I don't like the Olympics.  They're like the Academy Awards.   They feature impossibly gifted people doing things none of us might ever hope to do ever in our lives (and certainly not once we've passed our 24th birthdays) and, a day or two after the Games/Awards are over, the many feats, accomplishments, heartbreaks and heroics are stuff for trivia buffs and fodder to fill in the conversations of guys in bars.

So, really, what's not to like?

As an expression of my admiration for the talented athletes in London and all their hard work, here is my photo essay of some summer Olympic events, as interpreted by the late, great, Molly-the-Dog:

Stupid-Costume Opening Ceremonies

Performance-Enhancing-Drug Screening
High Jump

Synchronized Swimming

Shot Put


Closing Ceremonies

Enjoy the Olympics!  And have a great week!


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